Getting to know the game.
(Part 2
The game you are playing is called Battle Pirates, you live in a world where global warming has melted the polar ice caps and only water is left and small sects of land. You belong to the Forsaken faction, the lower and middle class of the forgotten world. Your enemy? The Draconians, the upper class and elites. Alongside the Drac's are the Reavers and the Scourge. The Reavers are a mix between Drac forces and Forsaken, using explosive nuclear technology to survive. The Scourge are adapt to life under the sea, using submarines to live.
There are 500 sectors within 5 different worlds of the game. World Alpha, World Beta, World Delta, World Gamma and World Epsilon. The way you are positioned on the sector is through coordinates, such as 187558, 570. Within each sector are other player's bases and fleets, Draconian cargo fleets and bases, and Reaver armadas and bases. We'll get to the Reaver and Drac parts later.
Your base
Your base has on the start of the game.
At the bottom left is sector and alliance communications. Where you can talk to other players playing the game in real time.
Bottom right shows how much of each resource you currently have, along with uranium and base parts and tokens. Resources you use are oil, metal, energy, and zynthium. (Known as res in sector and alliance communications) Used for everything in your base, it is a good habit to keep your levels at max. To find your maximum amount you can have, hover your mouse over the bar. Uranium, base parts, and tokens we will talk about later.
Top left shows your photo, your level, your medal level and number of coins. Your level is based upon points, you gain point by attacking, defending, researching, creating, basically everything in the game gets you points. You can not lose points. Your medal level is judged by base hitting and base defending. The more medals you have, the better you are at attacking other people's bases and defending your base. Coin is paid currency, which you can use to speed up time in the game.
Top Right is the main bar. Going from left to right, it holds the icons for the Foundry, Arena, Campaigns, Alliances, Fleets, and World Map. Under the icons is the command center.
- Shipyard-build new ships
- Storage-store old ships, must be full health
- Build-store to build new resource collectors and other important buildings
- Base Planner-redesign your base and move things around easier
- Base Relocate-move your base to another sector or world
- Playback-watch missed or old base attacks on your base
- Great Hall-to recruit rogue crews and officers
- Weapons Lab-where to research new weapons and rockets
- Naval Lab- where to research new ships and armours
- Store-where to buy more gold
Going from left to right...
- Oil Rig-a resource collector to collect oil
- Metal collector- a resource collector to collect metal
- War Academy- upgrade to unlock more fleet space in your dock
- Wind Mill-a resource collector to collect energy
- Naval Lab-lab to research new ships and armors
- Zynthium collector-a resoucre collector to collect zynthium
- Turrets-to defend your base against enemy base attacks
- Weapons lab-lab to research weapons and rockets
- Great Hall-hall to recruit rogue crews and enlist officers
- Outpost- the head quarters of your base
- Dock-where you'll find your fleets/ships
- Shipyard-where to build new ships
Now that you have a brief understanding of the base elements of the game, here is what I did when I started a new account.
The first priority when starting a new game is to research new ships and upgrade the labs. The first thing I will be upgrading is the resource collectors. The collectors are especially important to lower players because they offer resources at a constant rate. After upgrading your resource collectors, upgrade your naval lab, weapons lab, dock, and war academy.
Now, once you have upgraded those things, you might be out of resources. The best way to collect resources is to attack cargo fleets on the world map. Cargo fleets carry resources and are ranked based upon their difficulty, the higher the harder. To attack a cargo fleet, you first gotta send out a fleet. Go to your dock to do such.
This is your starting fleet in the game, hit launch fleet.
Now, I'm gonna attack that level 3 cargo fleet. Just click on the fleet and hit attack fleet. Once you finish attacking, click on your fleet and hit recall fleet.
The amount of resources I collected from that cargo is shown on the left. Now I can upgrade my Outpost to level 2. Once I upgrade my outpost, I can upgrade my other buildings more. Make sure to collect your resources often though, and keep a full bar to help.
This is your starting fleet in the game, hit launch fleet.
Now, I'm gonna attack that level 3 cargo fleet. Just click on the fleet and hit attack fleet. Once you finish attacking, click on your fleet and hit recall fleet.
The amount of resources I collected from that cargo is shown on the left. Now I can upgrade my Outpost to level 2. Once I upgrade my outpost, I can upgrade my other buildings more. Make sure to collect your resources often though, and keep a full bar to help.
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