Monday, April 25, 2016

Level 17 Cargo

How to hit level 17 cargo and get blueprints 

Blueprints are always better than what is available in the Weapons Lab, but first we gotta find those blueprints. The lowest level cargo that has them is the level 17 cargo. But first we gotta use a certain fleet. Fleet . This fleet has torpedoes, because they offer a wider range than missiles at the moment, and can be used for kiting. 

 Finding the 17 cargo 

Most cargo fleets spawn around bases that are equal in level to the cargos, i.e. level 30 bases spawn level 31 cargo fleets, 50 bases spawn 51 cargo fleets. Level 17 cargo fleets should be found around level 15-20 bases, and two at a time. After you attack them and take the cargo, a new cargo fleet should take its place in a minute or two. 

Attacking the 17 cargo 

Here is a link to the video I made about hitting 17 cargo fleets. Don't worry if you take damage or your fleet sinks. Just return to your base, repair and try again. Everyone was a rookie at sometime, you just need skills to be able to kit better.

Blueprints found

There is a drop rate of only 4% when hitting Level 17 cargoes. This means that 1 out of every 25 hits gets you a blueprint, but dont worry there are rogue crews meant to help you with this. The Lucky Bastards crew gives a 100% drop rate to cargo fleets, for either 10 minutes or an hour depending on which one you use. 

How to get rogue crews

Rogue crews, such as lucky bastards, are found within the Great Hall. Open up the Great Hall by clicking on it. There should be a pop-up similar to this photo. 

Your pop-up will be different though, instead of having the icon with 50 minutes remaining and two men, you should have a icon saying Free crew. Click on this button, this will lead you to the rogue crew store.

Click on the bottom button, it should say for yours free roll. Once you click on it it will open a new pop-up similar to this one.

Now just click accept to own it. To use the new crew you must go to your dock and click on your fleet. Then click on the crews button to add your rogue crew.
Hit recruit and launch your fleet next. Your crew will work and be active until the timer runs out. To check the time, hover your mouse over the fleet bar when on the world map.

For higher leveled players or if you are looking for more Battle Pirates content, head over here to gain a more detailed analysis of the newest tech and end game help. 

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