May Work in Progress
May is here, and with it comes the WIP. notes
With the main points being over the next raid, deflection bypass as well as new types of deflection, mission changes,changes to the Revenge and updates to the foundry.
May Raid, Civil War-Broken Counsel
Zoe has pushed too far with Harlock, with her and her comrades taking over the Drac strongholds. Using Drac Mega Hulls to build Forsaken style Mega Hulls. This raid begins May 12th, next week Thursday. Doomrooster has said it will be a open fleet style combat, similar to what we had before the Garrison and Zoe's rebellion.
Deflection bypass and Types of deflection
Working like resistance bypass, negating a flat amount of resistance, but for Siege and Assault deflection.
As for the new types of deflection, there are now deflection for each type of damage also, ballistic penetrating, explosive, concussive, radioactive, corrosive. Working the same way as siege and assault deflection.
For examples, if you have a ship with 500 explosive deflection, and you are hit with a mortar that has 20% explosive deflection bypass, 750 explosive damage.
Now, the 500 explosive deflection is affected by the 20% bypass and 750 damage.
500-(500*.2) = 400
750-400 = 350
The ship will receive 350 explosive damage.
Now, damage type deflection stats only work with the stat they are assigned to; i.e. 300 penetrating deflection has no defense against 400 ballistic damage.
The damage type deflection was added to Armadas and Drac Bases. Siege and Assault deflection was not added to any targets, and with no plans for adding anymore in the future. This only affects the Revenge hull and future hulls to come.
Changes to the Revenge
- Siege and Assault Deflection have been removed entirely from the Revenge (base stats and the “Revenge - Bloodthirst” Ability).
- Evade increased from +10% to +35%.
- Ballistic Deflection increased from +2110 to +3700.
- Penetrative Deflection increased from +2110 to +3700.
- Explosive Deflection increased from +2240 to +3920.
- Bloodthirst Ability - Increased Corrosive Deflection from +0 to +750.
- Bloodthirst Ability - Increased Concussive Deflection from +0 to +750.
- Bloodthirst Ability - Increased Radioactive Deflection from +0 to +750.
- Repair Time reduced from 2h 45m 00s to 1h 10m 00s.
The revenge will do better in the Current weekly mission,and Pvp overall. With increased evade and more deflection to negate more damage. A lower repair time always helps too. And the increased evade and changes to bloodthrist ability will work better during base attacks against enforcers.
The downside to all of this is the siege and assault deflection being removed from the bloodthirsty ability.
Changes to the Mission
The targets are changing to be similar to the Garrison style raid targets, with a new tier of prizes, and a tagging system to show how long before a prize rotates out.
With four new prizes going into the weekly this month,
Cryo Trigger - Similar to the Combustion Trigger for water-based buildings, the Cryo Trigger will slow ships in the ice field.
The Cryo trigger could be useful, only if the ice patch lasts long enough or if you have mortar's firing before the ice fields. Only being being able to be placed on water buildings, mostly oil rigs, it could be used in conjunction with Oil Slick. With fleets speeding up into an ice patch, and having to survive under mortar fire and short ranged turrets.
EMP Blast - A land-based building special that causes a short pinch effect when this building is destroyed.
EMP blast is simialr to the cyro trigger, but on land. Only useful if its lasts a longer time or has a long range, 90+.
Overloaded Reload Mechanisms - An Outpost special. When the Outpost receives enough damage to trigger, all turrets in its radius will overload.
Tricky to us as the outpost is often last in the base and with mortars or long ranged cannons, could be useful with Wendigo or Glacial turrets, or with the new Hyena...
Hyena Missile Turret - An upgrade to the Vulture Missile, the Hyena Missile Turret provides medium-to-long range missile defense with a bonus to deal critical damage to wounded ships.
I loved the Vulture when it came out, medium reload, good range, high damage, and an awesome ability that has 50% to give double damage if the target is under 50% health.
With requirements for the foundry being available in the new mission, as well as components for the new Garrison Class in the foundry system. Speaking of changes to the foundry...
Addings to the Foundry
Garrison class ships are being added to the foundry, the ships being the Strike Cruiser, Dreadnought X, Novastorm, Berserker and Citadel. With their requirements being gathered from the new forsaken mission.
The Garrison Target levels, are most likely the target levels you have to hit to earn the payouts. Which are found in the next column. The FM prizes are yet to be announced, but might be similar to those already in the weekly, and the new four ones.
The retrofits, if any, are unknown at this time.
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